A Postpartum Care List for the “do it all myself” Mom

Young mom, first time mom, older mom, mom to many…postpartum is HARRDDD!!!!!!

This is baby number 6 for me and I’m 42 years old. I’ve worried obsessively over my milk coming in. I’ve worried obsessively that he’s not getting enough. I can’t remember the last time I brushed my teeth. I’ve cried that I can’t do this. I’ve yelled at the dog for breathing and I’m currently sleeping on spit up because clean sheets seem like a super low priority.

I had a friend message me recently checking in on my emotions. She had ppd very badly and said she felt so alone during that time. #metoo Since then she’s made it a point to check on her friends during the postpartum season. This. This is what we should be doing for each other. 👏🏻👏🏻

And on the flip side of that it can be hard to know how to help, especially a super independent mama, who you assume has this postpartum thing down. 🙋🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

I thought of 4 ideas to keep in your back pocket to support your mama friends who may say they don’t need anything when you ask…also 🙋🏼‍♀️.

* Text them regularly and say “I’m proud of you. You’re doing great today!” {no need to ask them how they are because if they are anything like me they will respond that they are good no matter what. Don’t take offense to this. This is a very common trait for an independent #enneagram8 relating to their childhood experiences/small trust circle.}

* Order them groceries/dinner and have them delivered. Don’t ask. They will say they don’t need them 🤪. Just grab the basics (bread, milk, fruit, veggies) and text them the delivery time (or better yet text their husband. Lol).

* Drop their favorite coffee or smoothie on the front porch. Don’t knock. Don’t ask to come in. Just text that’s it’s there.

* Amazon prime a cute new shirt (oversized + long to cover all the postpartum things) or a cozy pair of pjs to her house. Again. Don’t ask. Just do it, because I promise she will have thought of everything else for everyone else in preparing for baby’s arrival besides her clothing. 😂🤣

XO friends!

Now back to my regularly unscheduled nursing session!

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