Growing Good Things

I love flowers and plants of all kinds.  I have always dreamt of having a huge vegetable garden.  The kind that feeds your family for months from it’s bounty.  The only problem is that my thumb is browner than brown.  Like seriously…..I kill all plants.  It’s pathetic really.  My mom gave me this beautiful “Maggie” Rose plant for my birthday one year……I killed it.  When she died I kept all of her cherished African Violets plants.….I killed them.  My Mother-In-Law has given me so many plant over the years as gifts, it’s ridiculous. I have killed them all (so so sorry about that Donna).  I have tried flowers.  I have tried herbs.  I have tried vegetables.  No luck.  All dead.  So I just gave up…..I told myself that I was good at other things and that was fine.  And it was….for awhile.
Then at the beginning of this year I started reading Lara Casey’s book, Make It Happen.  Her thumb does not match mine.  It’s greener than green.  She even has an Instagram dedicated to her gardening.  Until I read her book I didn’t know, that she didn’t start out that way.  She started out like me….killing all living things.  Ok….maybe not all, but living things of the plant kind anyway. 
So here’s what changed for her and what I am diligently working on in my own life.
Good things grow when they are tended to, when they are well cared for, when they are loved, when they are nurtured, when they are given attention.
I want to grow good things.
Of course it would be wonderful to just snap my fingers and my bank account to be overflowing, my marriage to be incredible and my kids turn out amazing!  My business… about a magic wand for that one!  My friendships!  My health!  And while we are at it let’s get an all organic, completely balanced amazing dinner on the table every night this week!!  Poof!!!
Just like the tender shoot of a plant our dreams and goals need our focused, consistent  attention to grow and thrive.  They needs to be protected from the elements (fear and self-doubt for me).  They need nourishment.  They need clean air (not negativity).  Most importantly they need time.
Good things do not grow overnight, but they are worth the wait.
What good things are growing in your life?