Client Stories


The wellness plan Maggie created for me was just the motivation I needed to get back on the healthy lifestyle track. She listened to my specific concern and tailored the plan to address it. I particularly appreciate that she did not try to revamp what I was already doing. She took my already healthy lifestyle and helped me tweak and troubleshoot a problem area.

Maggie did not try to “sell” me a program or product, but helped me use the tools already at my disposal. I love that her heart is to educate and empower others to make healthy choices. Maggie’s wellness plan is well-rounded and addresses food, lifestyle, supplementation and attitudes necessary for successfully making healthy choices. I already use many of the strategies that Maggie teaches. I feel confident in recommending her services to anyone just starting a healthy lifestyle journey or to someone who just needs help troubleshooting and fine tuning their health. ~ Jodi (Oct 2016)

screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-9-39-12-am“I’m a busy, work from home, homeschooling, foster, adoptive, bio mom to three pretty amazing kids.  Like so many mamas out there I wear a lot of different hats, burn the candle at both ends and put everyone else’s needs before my own.  I usually eat pretty clean, take quality supplements and exercise pretty regularly but… sometimes life happens and my eating gets off track and I realize that it has been quite some time since I’ve taken the time to do anything for myself.  Recently, I was stuck in a terrible rut of poor eating, high stress and doing other things that didn’t benefit my health, like not getting enough rest.  I have PCOS and irritable bowel syndrome and my symptoms were out of control.  I was having extreme mood changes from hormone surges, suffering with constant abdominal discomfort, and gaining weight uncontrollably.  My bowels were in such bad shape that I was unable to absorb the supplements that have helped me in the past.  I tried things that had always worked to get my symptoms back under control to no avail.  I felt hopeless and just stuck.
That was until a friend of mine suggested that I contact Maggie.  I heeded their advice and I’m so glad that I did!  Maggie spoke with me on the phone for nearly an hour.  She listened and understood exactly what I was going through.  We were barely even acquaintances but Maggie made me totally comfortable sharing with her.  During that one phone conversation she also gave me my hope back and helped me to start putting a plan in place to get my health back on track.  Within just a few days, she emailed me a comprehensive plan that detailed simple and effective steps for me to implement.  After just one day on plan, I felt better than I had in months!!  My abdominal pain was gone and the bloating was already decreasing.  After one week of following Maggie’s plan I felt incredible!  I was sleeping better, my intense sugar cravings were gone, and I had more energy.  My skin began to clear up and my mood improved.  But if those immeasurable results weren’t enough, perhaps the measurable results were.  I lost a total of 6.2 lbs. and 2.75 inches off my abdomen alone in just one week!!!
I’m sure that I will not be perfect in following the plan and the odds are that sometimes I may get off track again, but the difference now is that, thanks to Maggie, I have an effective plan to get myself back on track.  For that I am so very grateful.” ~ Mary (Oct 2016)